
Advocacy Updates

The TAASLP Advocacy Team sends out monthly information via email and social media regarding information and surveys for state and national advocacy efforts, as well as letter-writing campaigns. Make sure you are a TAASLP member so that you don’t miss out on important state advocacy efforts!

2025 Advocacy Events

February 28, 2025: Sometimes Value Doesn’t Translate to Adequate Payment: How Advocacy Can Help

March 4, 2025:  Day on the Hill

How can you help advocate?

Learn more about state-based advocacy networks at

  • Encourage others to join TAASLP! TAASLP membership is what helps pay the cost of our lobbyist to support future state level bills.
  • Stay connected! Follow us on social media and help spread the word about current/upcoming advocacy events and letter writing campaigns.

Interested in learning more about state level advocacy?

  • Our state advocacy leaders are currently offering free presentations to universities in Tennessee as part of our Student Advocacy campaign. Reach out to TAASLP VP of Legislative Affairs, Jessica Lenden-Holt, at to set up your advocacy presentation.
  • Not a student but looking to learn more? Reach out to us and let us know how we can help support you.






Together, we can be the change we wish to see.


Current Projects

  • TAASLP is currently analyzing school SLP caseload data, with an end goal of introducing caseload or workload caps in Tennessee
  • TAASLP continues to monitor on going changes to the Affordable Care Act in Tennessee and its effect on provision of services by audiologists and speech-language pathologists
  • New Laws of Special Interest to TAASLP
  • TAASLP is continuing to advocate for Medicare/Medicaid increases in reimbursement and fighting against cuts to services.


2024 -Received ASHA Student Advocacy Grant for Day on the Hill

2023– Introduced successful legislation mandating 60 day turnaround for TN licensing

2022 -Legislation reimbursing telehealth practice was approved

2022– TN became part of the Interstate Compact with successful introduction and passing of legislation.

2019 – Assisted in the repeal of the Professional Privilege Tax for 15 of the original 22 professions, including Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists
2019 – Introduced successful legislation which established a provisional license for SLP Clinical Fellows (CFs), allowing them to be reimbursed by Medicare and other third-party payers
2015 – Introduced legislation to repeal the Professional Privilege Tax. Our efforts contributed to the study that is being signed into law (as of 4.22.16)
2011 – Received ASHA STAR grant for developing student advocacy participation at the state level.  Conducted ‘Day on the Hill’ event for undergraduate and graduate students from across the state
2011 – Legislation mandating insurance coverage for hearing aids for children passed
2007 – Legislation explicitly allowing speech-language pathologists to perform endoscopy passed
Advocated for legislation mandating newborn hearing screening
Advocated for insurance mandate for autism coverage

If you would like to be involved in the Legislative Affairs Committee, or would like to discuss current and/or prospective legislation, please contact TAASLP VP Legislative Affairs at

Thanks for all you do to support infants, children, and adults with communication, balance, and swallowing disorders!